Sunday, August 3, 2008

Hook, line and sinker ... NewsChannel 5 buys Bredesen's propaganda about sales tax holiday

NewsChannel 5 on its 10 p.m. newscast tonight had all the information to put two and two together to produce an accurate political analysis of the governor's propaganda that mean ol' Tennessee parents are costing state workers their jobs for buying school items sales tax free during the weekend.

Reporter Brent Frazier reported that the state would lose $8 million to $10 million in sales tax revenue during the three-day, sales tax holiday CREATED BY BREDESEN TO GET RE-ELECTED IN 2006.
But Frazier didn't mention the governor's outrageous poliabout being so bad for saving money during an economic recession.tical flp-flop during his report. He instead interviewed taxpayers

NewsChannel 5 did, however, have the right person to blame for lost state revenue later in its newscast. It mentioned Bredesen's wife leading a run for the fallen in the war on terror. Earlier this year, Andrea Conte used $11 milllion in state money to build a grossly unnecessary political theme park under the governor's mansion to entertain guests with important titles. State spending was never initally mentioned when she sold the project to the public.

Now her husband is crying about bad Tennessee parents trying to save themselves a few dollars -- during a sales tax holiday he originally created.
I hate it when a reporter only gives part of the story. Tennessee taxpayers and parents sure didn't deserve to be confronted as wrongdoers today when the governor and his wife are the ones costing state workers their jobs.

The free pass Nashville's news media continues to give Bredesen is the longest-running betrayal of a public that deserves both sides of the story.

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