Monday, August 18, 2008

Obama paints himself into a corner with VP pick this week for Democratic ticket

Sen. Barack Obama continues to make the 2008 presidential race close, this time with his bumbling and stumbling over Russia's invasion of Georgia.

Now he is left with poor choices for a running mate this week because of his ineptness on foreign policy.

The Democrat should pick a woman as a runningmate. Sen. Hillary Clinton's historic candidacy needs to be recognized by more than a roll call vote at the upcoming Democratic primary.

But his silly first response to Russia's invasion by criticizing Sen. John McCain's campaign having a lobbyist for Georgia has now made the need for a foreign-policy heavy VP pick a must. And undecided voters like myself are left cold.

Former Sen. Sam Nunn is not my choice to be one heartbeat from the presidency. Sen. Joe Biden lost in the primary, so why would I want him now? Sen. Evan Bayh looks like the right, clean cut candidate. But what has he done in Congress to distinguish himself other than hold a Senate seat in red state Indiana?

The 2008 presidential race is far from historic if three white men are the finalists for be Obama's VP. Women -- who do the most voting in this nation -- get denied again.

Obama has made this race closer than it need be. And his VP choice this week will not be that great of a help in opening up a big lead over McCain.

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