Saturday, August 23, 2008

CNN employs racist slur twice in its coverage today on Obama vice presidential pick of Biden

The great thing about CNN is that it has been providing hours of coverage of the selection of Sen. Joe Biden as the potential Democratic VP nominee.

Yet in this continuing coverage, CNN's pretty talking heads have chosen to use a racial slur in comments about Biden's tendency to say too much and get himself in trouble.

Reporter John King used it first, speaking of Biden's tendency for "going off the reservation." A female talking head in studio used the same slur in the same hour of coverage.

I could make similiar analogies with African-Americans and Hispanics, but I don't want to spread such hate speech. Some American-Indians are on reservations because of racist U.S. policy during this nation's history. For CNN to adopt a racial slur based on that racist history is shocking.

Now I don't expect CNN to quit using the slur. There are not enough American-Indians to threaten their advertisers. No matter how much media outlets claim to be meeting your need to know in a republic, they are first dedicated to making a buck.

And if they make money slurring American-Indians, then King and his comrade will continue to rattle on with this racism. It's sad, shocking, but true.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So now we are not supposed to use the term "going off the Reservation". Well we will just add that to the long long list of things that we are no longer free to say in our own country.

Of course we don't mind giving up our vaunted free speech in order to compensate for those who demand that we treat them with equality when in reality they are not equal at all because they cannot live in this country without being compensated for.

Some people are just not able to live in a free and open society where everyone has free speech. They come from societies where they are told what they can say and do and they are too dumb to fight for their freedoms or else they are not freedom loving as are white Americans. Therefore they cannot live in a society that was created by and for white people.

There is a retarded man who works at a local supermarket. No one ever complains if he bags the eggs at the bottom of the bag. No the customers are more than happy to compensate for this retarded man and I am very pleased that this is so.

If Indians, blacks, Hispanics and others are also retarded we might want to put them all on reservations or send them back to where they came from.

After all it is not right and it is not fair to white people to have to compensate all the time and give up our precious freedoms that our people spilled their blood to buy for us.

It seems to me that it is very racist for minorities to always be making demands upon white people. We are not their slaves just because we are white. Perhaps the res is the perfect place for you where we can best accomodate you and compensate for what you are unable to do in a free society.

But you can't have it both ways. You can't say that you are equal to the white people and then demand that we compensate for you.

Clearly white people need to take back our country and get rid of the retards so that we can live in peace and not have to care for the children of fertile retards who keep having kids that they can't feed and expect us to do it for them. We have nothing vested in caring for a bunch of snotty nosed brats of retards.

People shouldn't say they have much to contribute to make the nation better and then claim to be retarded because obviously you can't have it both ways. Either you belong on the res or you don't.