Friday, November 14, 2008

Kevin Sharp would be excellent federal judge

Ken Whitehouse of the City Paper today cited Nashville attorney Kevin Sharp as a prime candidate that a new President Barack Obama should consider for federal appointment to the bench.

I could not agree more.

Sharp is sharp, a compassionate guy and a person deeply interested in justice. I know the man personally. And he and his law firm are real assets to Nashville and Middle Tennessee in the fights they take up for the little guy and their pro bono work.

His appointment to the federal bench would ensure that justice and fairness are the rule in the federal district court for Middle Tennessee.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

While Mr. Sharp would make an excellent judge, I've been hoping we could get him to run for governor...or maybe benevolent dictator. I know him to be smart, fair, and honest but also a great leader of men (and women). Our state would be well served by a ceo with the brains of Bredesen and the communication skills of Reagan.