Thursday, September 11, 2008

Tortoise-like Catholic bishops finally get around to atrocities against undocumented human beings; what took them so long -- forget the Gospels?

The nation's Catholic bishops finally got around this week to condemning federal raids of workplaces for undocumented human beings because of the disruption of families for months and years.

The bishops, however, failed to address the 287g deportation program which is also devastating the families of undocumented workers in almost 60 U.S. communities, including Nashville. Here, a very pregnant Mrs. Juana Villegas (DeLaPaz) was tortured during childbirth and afterward, including separation from her newborn needing his mother's milk.

The bishops, who are good people but mostly bureaucrats installed in their offices to not make waves, have increasingly fallen behind the times in the challenges facing the people in the pews.

They have been very slow to invite Catholics separated from the flock back into churches. And the sex abuse scandal turned many bishops into obstacles to justice by refusing to acknowledge the awful truth and diocesan misconduct in jurisprudence and priest assignments.

All that too many bishops seem to like doing is calling out Democratic lawmakers for publicly stating their conscience on abortion. This kind of thought police craze -- with the threat of denying Communion to these lawmakers like an Inquisition whip -- is worthy of the Pharisees of old.

So, thanks, your excellencies, for finally speaking up on the ICE raids, but what about 287g and the people needing to be reinvited back into the pews and laying off Catholic lawmakers for speaking their minds.

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