Saturday, September 6, 2008

Novak's brain cancer has taught his some good things but not others when it comes to health care

I've never been a Robert Novak fan. In fact, I always turned the channel when he came on TV or the page if he appeared in the newspaper.

But cancer brings us all down from our political ivory towers to our common mortality and suffering. We saw some of the same response with the brain cancer announcement concerning the great Sen. Ted Kennedy. His appearance at the DNC was courageous and inspiring.

As a fellow cancer sufferer who still faces death, I have empathy with Novak and what he is experiencing. Yet I would remind him that he is receiving the kind of health care to stay alive because of his income, not because of compassionate government policy that would rescue others like him who live day to day on their earnings.

But this nation does not have universal health care, and neither presidential candidate is offering it. Novak sure doesn't want it. So hopefully his ordeal will help open his eyes. I am not sure, however, after reading his column. His poke at the Wilsons, for example, was totally uncalled for.

So, with these rejoinders, I offer his latest column as posted on the Drudge Report:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm no fan of Novak either, but I wouldn't wish any cancer upon anyone. It is a terrible disease, and frankly, with all of the resources that we have in this world, I think that we should be able to cure it, instead of managing it or supressing it.

I'm struck by the kindness of the Kennedys in offering advice to Robert Novak about treating his brain tumor. Despite what one can say about Ted Kennedy's faults, you have to admire his commitment to helping those in need, even pundits from the opposite end of the political spectrum.

Adriana, CA