Sunday, January 4, 2009

Do you love our men and women in uniform? Really? Show it by sponsoring 'Ft. Campbell 44'

My freedom to write goes only as far as the willingness of a special man or woman willing to sign his or her name on a dotted line and take an oath to leave their family and lay down his or her life for the First Amendment and every other amendment in the Constitution.

Based on that kind of appreciation, the organizers of the Music City Inaugural Charity Ball have invited 44 men and women in uniform (and their spouses or dates) to attend this historic event free of charge and a stay over in Nashville. That is the least we can do. They all are from Ft. Campbell. And the 101st Airborne has given so much in the war on terror.

Forty-four is representative of Obama being the 44th president of the United States.

But we need churches to step forward and simply provide a $400 donation to sponsor these troops and recognize who and what allows us to exchange power without violence in the nation. And what allows us to worship as we choose, or not at all.

Four churches have done so. We need more, many more.

In addition, we will be inviting five Gold Star families to the event to recognize the ultimate sacrifice for our rights. It has been my privilege to know these families. And I have been honored that they call me "friend".

There should be no inaugural ball or celebration anywhere in this nation without first and most prominently spotlighting the service and sacrifice of our men and women in uniform and the families they so bravely leave behind.

Do you really appreciate our men and women in uniform?


Please help us show it for Nashville and Tennessee at the Music City Inaugural Charity Ball.

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