Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Tomorrow's vote on EnglishOnly offers Nashville chance to make up for many historical wrongs

Tomorrow's EnglishOnly referendum will not kill the futures of Hispanics here needing translation help.

My grandparents on both sides survived an EnglishOnly world 100 years ago in this nation.

But the real danger will come to every person who is non-Hispanic and does not need language help. And economic hard times such as the one we're living can bring out the worst in politicians and leaders.

When you scapegoat one people as being a problem, as Hitler did in the ruins of Germany after World War I, you risk unleashing this kind of heinous action on the next group of people that the next Eric Crafton will cast his eye upon.

It may people who need help for some skill or designation they lack from the rest of society. You can think of the possibilities quite easily, just consider yourself and your weaknesses. Now consider a law passed to make that weakness even more of a handicap.

When we fail to speak up for one group, we make it easier for the next group of people to be singled out and scapegoated.

Do not vote tomorrow for people who are Hispanic. Vote for yourselves, and to protect the uniqueness you possess in your strengths and weaknesses.

Please. Vote "No".

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