Thursday, October 16, 2008

Read no further if you don't want to know about McCain appearance this evening on Letterman

Sen. John McCain did the right thing and appeared on David Letterman this evening to apologize for missing his earlier appointment on the CBS late night show.

Reuters reports: "I screwed up. What can I say?" McCain told Letterman during his appearance, set to air tonight at 10:30 P.M. CDT.

"I have a son in the Marines, and I asked him to FedEx his helmet and flak jacket, but it didn't get here in time," he joked.

McCain canceled last month after saying he had to rush to Washington to work on the Wall Street bailout plan. But he was caught by Dave on an internal CBS feed getting makeup for an appearance on the CBS Evening News just a few blocks away.

So now this latest controversy in the 2008 presidential campaign is resolved. Let's hope for another soon.

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