Friday, October 17, 2008

McCain helps his campaign on Letterman show

After taking more comedic and hard-feelings beating from Dave Letterman in the first half of his show, Sen. John McCain then ran circles around the entertainer in his answers to questions on Bill Ayers, economic policy and Sarah Palin.

In the second half, McCain had the typically liberal New York City audience applauding his answers and even stopping Dave when he tried to start a new question.

McCain took it all very well. And his appearance before probably 5 million viewers significantly helped his campaign to try and catch-up. McCain hinted at Palin appearing this weekend on Saturday Night Live. Her willingness to laugh at her being lampooned also will go over with millions of voters watching. They love a good sport.

All this free publicity is going to push the McCain campaign back into the race and make it one increasingly difficult to call with two weeks to go to vote by next Tuesday.

Stained tuned to this blog for more updates and controversies.

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