Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Where is Vanderbilt in joining Music City Ball?

I've often decried the lack of use by Metro Nashville officials of the incredible expertise, intellect and passion present at Vanderbilt University and Medical Center.

Vanderbilt is Nashville's top treasure but it has been treated politically as a pariah.

But now there is an opportunity for the Vanderbilt University to join a new coalition across political, racial and class lines, first in the Music City Inaugural Charity Ball scheduled for Jan. 20.

Yet Vanderbilt has not responded in buying tickets to attend. And I'm at a lost to explain why. Surely, the campus voted for President Obama. So why would its members not be behind a local event -- the largest outside of Washington, D.C. -- to salute the new president and build bipartisan support behind his success?

Tennessee State University has purchased 25 tickets. Mr. and Miss TSU will be in attendance. Belmont University, which hosted a presidential debate, has purchased 10 tickets. Yet nothing from Vanderbilt.

To my friends within the Vanderbilt community, a city on a hill, please show the impressiveness of your presence at the ball. It will be appreciated and herald a new relationship for a better Nashville that desperately needs you.

For tickets, go to

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