Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Allowance of 401k withdrawls makes Obama's economic plan much superior to McCain's

Sen. Barack Obama showed himself the leader America needs with an economic recovery plan that carries an essential component of allowing citizens to withdrawl funds from 401k plans without tax penalty.

Obama is proposing what is essentially a recapitalization of Main Street after the government has wrongly done the same with Wall Street and the nation's largest banks.

Many Americans have saved prodigious sums in their 401k plans associated with their places of employment. Companies have matched some of those funds. Allowing Americans to tap into the funds during the upcoming economic crisis will be essential to keeping households from filing bankruptcy and racking up more credit card debt.

McCain in turn wants to give more tax breaks to big-time investors on Wall Street. They've been bailed out enough.

Obama's plan will assure him of a landslide victory Nov. 4.

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