Thursday, October 16, 2008

Gallup Poll puts presidential race at virtual tie

The Gallup Poll has produced a political shocker -- the race for the presidency is Obama 49 to McCain 47 among likely voters, according to the conservative Drudge Report.

Likely vcters are the most trusted of polling constituencies. They're registerd votes and by their designation are more likely to vote. CBS News/The NY TIMES reported Obama ahead earlier this week by 14 percentage points.

I do not argue with the wisdom of the American people. I can be wrong about an Obama landslide, and I will heartily support whomever the American people select as their next leader in the White House.

Sen. McCain did not beat Obama in last night's debate. He lost in the economic recovery plan argument, but held some of his own in discussion on health care and made more sense on education and regarding Supreme Court justices picks. He definitely was more definitive in his positions. I'm not saying Obama won. He simply won on his issues.

But for some reason, he did not emphasize his 401k withdrawl plan for Americans. It would allow you to withdrawl money from your 401k without tax penalty in the event of an emergency. That would constitute a recapitalization of Main Street households instead of big banks and Wall Street fatcats. Does that oversight mean he's not serious about 401k plan? Inquiring voters want to know.

So stay tuned. The Gallup Poll is fascinating in a most fascinating election. And Joe the Plumber may become a political icon. Be it McCain or Obama in the White House, they have my allegiance and prayers.

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