Thursday, October 16, 2008

Our nation's banks turn their backs on us

NBC News reports this evening that new home mortgage payments are $71 higher monthly than last week despite America's big banks receiving $250 billion in investment just this week from the federal government.

In fact, the FEDS have had to publicly lecture banks like Bank of America about lending to the American people. Gee, maybe "America" should be taken out of the bank's name since it obviously has no affection for the American people or their ideals.

These banks just want to sit on all your taxpayer money and save it to pay for all the bad loans they made and trips to spas for massages and feasting.

And despite the $750 billion put into the hands of Wall Street fatcats, the market is acting like it has no character or integrity of purpose. And that actually is the truth about these people. Down 733 points one day and up almost 500 another shows a search for short-term profits first and shoring up free market capitalism second or last.

Readers, you are dealing with people with no standards of decency. Get with a certified financial planner. No amount you possess is too small to see a financial planner.

Start assessing your financial situation over several weeks before the new year for investments and purchases. Don't trust these banking people one bit.

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