Wednesday, December 10, 2008

If you're going to speed, get caught in Brentwood

I was driving to retrieve my cell phone from a Crockett Park bathroom one night in October when a good and courteous police officer caught me speeding -- doing 50 in a 40 mph zone.

He was right. And I could have sent in a check to the City of Brentwood for the fine, but the officer recommended that I go to traffic court and sign up for driving school.

In our fast-paced world, anyone who asks that you spend more your time in doing something not on our schedule is not your favorite person. And school? Ugh! But his advice was sound and the judge promised to take my offense off my record if I took the online driving course by the National Safety Council or went to the library to take it with an officer.

It took me four hours yesterday to take the course online. And it was fatiguing. But the course was very rewarding and told me some things I didn't know about defensive driving and saving my life and those of others on the road.

So, I thank the judge and officer for my experience. I did wrong, but ultimately got rewarded with something that will do me right at a moment of crisis.

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